You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6 months ago
# dbsearch.py
6 months ago
import pymysql
from properties import Properties
import sys, getopt
class DbSearch:
# 本类用于提供各类数据库信息搜索服务
def __init__(self, connect):
self.connect = connect
def GetTableList(self, database):
# 查询某个库的数据表的列表
cursorTable = self.connect.cursor()
cursorTable.execute("SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema = '" + database + "'");
return cursorTable.fetchall()
def GetColumnList(self, tableName):
# 查询某张表的数据字段列表
cursorColumn = self.connect.cursor()
cursorColumn.execute("SELECT column_name,data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_schema='" + database + "' AND table_name='" +
tableName + "'");
return cursorColumn.fetchall()
def SearchTableByColumnName(self, columnName, database):
# 查询包含包含searchText的库表
tableList = self.GetTableList(database)
findList = list()
for table in tableList:
columnList = self.GetColumnList(table[0])
for column in columnList:
if column[0].find(columnName) != -1:
return findList
def SearchTableByText(self, searchText, database):
# 查找包含searchText字符串的表,并显示相应的表记录
tableList = self.GetTableList(database)
if len(tableList) == 0:
return False
found = 0
findList = list()
for table in tableList:
strSql = "SELECT '" + table[0] + "' as table_name, t.* "
strSql = strSql + " FROM " + database + "." + table[0] + " as t where " + "("
columnList = self.GetColumnList(table[0])
i = 0
count = len(columnList)
for column in columnList:
# 如果字段数据类型为非文本型,跳过
if not column[1] in ('varchar', 'char', 'text'):
i += 1
if i > 1:
strSql += " or "
strSql += column[0] + " like '%" + searchText + "%' "
strSql += ")"
cursorColumn = self.connect.cursor()
except Exception as e:
print('2----------------------------', database, strSql)
print("-----错误信息:-----\n", e)
return False
result = cursorColumn.fetchall()
if len(result) > 0:
print(table[0], result, strSql)
return findList
if __name__ == '__main__':
|这是数据库全文检索工具包含两个参数 |
# 设置运行环境。如果当前是测试环境,则将is_test设置为true
is_test = True
6 months ago
if is_test:
file_path = "/opt/eresource_test/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/prod/jdbc.properties"
database = 'guoyantest'
file_path = "/opt/eresource/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/prod/jdbc.properties"
database = 'guoyan'
# 打开jdbc.properties文件,获取数据库的配置信息
props = Properties(file_path)
host = 'localhost'
user = props.get('jdbc.username')
password = props.get('jdbc.password')
# 打开数据连接
db = pymysql.connect(host = host, user = user, password = password, database = database)
# 获取命令行参数
keyword = ''
searchType =''
keyword = ''
searchType = ''
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hT:k:",["keyword=","searchType="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -k <keyword> -T <searchType>')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print('3--------------------', 'test.py -k <keyword> -T <searchType>')
elif opt in ("-k", "--keyword"):
keyword = arg
elif opt in ("-T", "--searchType"):
searchType = arg
dbSearch = DbSearch(db)
if searchType == '0':
print('found tables: ', dbSearch.SearchTableByText(keyword, database))
elif searchType == '1':
print('found tables: ', dbSearch.SearchTableByColumnName(keyword, database))