update sc_xmkp1 set yptbh = #{yptbh} where id = #{id}
update sc_htlc set yptbh = #{yptbh} where id = #{id}
update sc_kpsqsp set yptbh = #{yptbh} where id = #{id}
update sc_kpcwqrsr set incomeId = #{incomeId} where lcid = #{lcid}
update sc_kpsqsp set accountId = #{accountId} where id = #{id}
update sc_htqx set status =1 where id = #{id}
update requeststatus set stepid = #{creatorId},
preStepid =#{preStepid},
modifyDate =#{modifyDate},
WHERE requestid=(select DISTINCT requestid from sc_kpsqsp where id =#{reqid})
DELETE from Permissionuser where resid = #{resid} and staffid = #{staffid} and operate=1