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324 lines
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324 lines
9.4 KiB
11 months ago
create table act_ge_property (
name_ varchar(64),
value_ varchar(300),
rev_ integer,
primary key (name_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
insert into act_ge_property
values ('schema.version', '', 1);
insert into act_ge_property
values ('schema.history', 'create(', 1);
insert into act_ge_property
values ('next.dbid', '1', 1);
create table act_ge_bytearray (
id_ varchar(64),
rev_ integer,
name_ varchar(255),
deployment_id_ varchar(64),
bytes_ longblob,
generated_ tinyint,
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_re_deployment (
id_ varchar(64),
name_ varchar(255),
category_ varchar(255),
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
deploy_time_ timestamp(3) null,
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_re_model (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
name_ varchar(255),
key_ varchar(255),
category_ varchar(255),
create_time_ timestamp(3) null,
last_update_time_ timestamp(3) null,
version_ integer,
meta_info_ varchar(4000),
deployment_id_ varchar(64),
editor_source_value_id_ varchar(64),
editor_source_extra_value_id_ varchar(64),
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_execution (
id_ varchar(64),
rev_ integer,
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
business_key_ varchar(255),
parent_id_ varchar(64),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
super_exec_ varchar(64),
act_id_ varchar(255),
is_active_ tinyint,
is_concurrent_ tinyint,
is_scope_ tinyint,
is_event_scope_ tinyint,
suspension_state_ integer,
cached_ent_state_ integer,
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
name_ varchar(255),
lock_time_ timestamp(3) null,
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_job (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
type_ varchar(255) not null,
lock_exp_time_ timestamp(3) null,
lock_owner_ varchar(255),
exclusive_ boolean,
execution_id_ varchar(64),
process_instance_id_ varchar(64),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
retries_ integer,
exception_stack_id_ varchar(64),
exception_msg_ varchar(4000),
duedate_ timestamp(3) null,
repeat_ varchar(255),
handler_type_ varchar(255),
handler_cfg_ varchar(4000),
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_re_procdef (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
category_ varchar(255),
name_ varchar(255),
key_ varchar(255) not null,
version_ integer not null,
deployment_id_ varchar(64),
resource_name_ varchar(4000),
dgrm_resource_name_ varchar(4000),
description_ varchar(4000),
has_start_form_key_ tinyint,
has_graphical_notation_ tinyint,
suspension_state_ integer,
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_task (
id_ varchar(64),
rev_ integer,
execution_id_ varchar(64),
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
name_ varchar(255),
parent_task_id_ varchar(64),
description_ varchar(4000),
task_def_key_ varchar(255),
owner_ varchar(255),
assignee_ varchar(255),
delegation_ varchar(64),
priority_ integer,
create_time_ timestamp(3) null,
due_date_ datetime(3),
category_ varchar(255),
suspension_state_ integer,
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
form_key_ varchar(255),
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_identitylink (
id_ varchar(64),
rev_ integer,
group_id_ varchar(255),
type_ varchar(255),
user_id_ varchar(255),
task_id_ varchar(64),
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_variable (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
type_ varchar(255) not null,
name_ varchar(255) not null,
execution_id_ varchar(64),
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
task_id_ varchar(64),
bytearray_id_ varchar(64),
double_ double,
long_ bigint,
text_ varchar(4000),
text2_ varchar(4000),
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_ru_event_subscr (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
event_type_ varchar(255) not null,
event_name_ varchar(255),
execution_id_ varchar(64),
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
activity_id_ varchar(64),
configuration_ varchar(255),
created_ timestamp(3) not null default current_timestamp(3),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
tenant_id_ varchar(255) default '',
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_evt_log (
log_nr_ bigint auto_increment,
type_ varchar(64),
proc_def_id_ varchar(64),
proc_inst_id_ varchar(64),
execution_id_ varchar(64),
task_id_ varchar(64),
time_stamp_ timestamp(3) not null,
user_id_ varchar(255),
data_ longblob,
lock_owner_ varchar(255),
lock_time_ timestamp(3) null,
is_processed_ tinyint default 0,
primary key (log_nr_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create table act_procdef_info (
id_ varchar(64) not null,
proc_def_id_ varchar(64) not null,
rev_ integer,
info_json_id_ varchar(64),
primary key (id_)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate utf8_bin;
create index act_idx_exec_buskey on act_ru_execution(business_key_);
create index act_idx_task_create on act_ru_task(create_time_);
create index act_idx_ident_lnk_user on act_ru_identitylink(user_id_);
create index act_idx_ident_lnk_group on act_ru_identitylink(group_id_);
create index act_idx_event_subscr_config_ on act_ru_event_subscr(configuration_);
create index act_idx_variable_task_id on act_ru_variable(task_id_);
create index act_idx_athrz_procedef on act_ru_identitylink(proc_def_id_);
create index act_idx_info_procdef on act_procdef_info(proc_def_id_);
alter table act_ge_bytearray
add constraint act_fk_bytearr_depl
foreign key (deployment_id_)
references act_re_deployment (id_);
alter table act_re_procdef
add constraint act_uniq_procdef
unique (key_,version_, tenant_id_);
alter table act_ru_execution
add constraint act_fk_exe_procinst
foreign key (proc_inst_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_) on delete cascade on update cascade;
alter table act_ru_execution
add constraint act_fk_exe_parent
foreign key (parent_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_execution
add constraint act_fk_exe_super
foreign key (super_exec_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_execution
add constraint act_fk_exe_procdef
foreign key (proc_def_id_)
references act_re_procdef (id_);
alter table act_ru_identitylink
add constraint act_fk_tskass_task
foreign key (task_id_)
references act_ru_task (id_);
alter table act_ru_identitylink
add constraint act_fk_athrz_procedef
foreign key (proc_def_id_)
references act_re_procdef(id_);
alter table act_ru_identitylink
add constraint act_fk_idl_procinst
foreign key (proc_inst_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_task
add constraint act_fk_task_exe
foreign key (execution_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_task
add constraint act_fk_task_procinst
foreign key (proc_inst_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_task
add constraint act_fk_task_procdef
foreign key (proc_def_id_)
references act_re_procdef (id_);
alter table act_ru_variable
add constraint act_fk_var_exe
foreign key (execution_id_)
references act_ru_execution (id_);
alter table act_ru_variable
add constraint act_fk_var_procinst
foreign key (proc_inst_id_)
references act_ru_execution(id_);
alter table act_ru_variable
add constraint act_fk_var_bytearray
foreign key (bytearray_id_)
references act_ge_bytearray (id_);
alter table act_ru_job
add constraint act_fk_job_exception
foreign key (exception_stack_id_)
references act_ge_bytearray (id_);
alter table act_ru_event_subscr
add constraint act_fk_event_exec
foreign key (execution_id_)
references act_ru_execution(id_);
alter table act_re_model
add constraint act_fk_model_source
foreign key (editor_source_value_id_)
references act_ge_bytearray (id_);
alter table act_re_model
add constraint act_fk_model_source_extra
foreign key (editor_source_extra_value_id_)
references act_ge_bytearray (id_);
alter table act_re_model
add constraint act_fk_model_deployment
foreign key (deployment_id_)
references act_re_deployment (id_);
alter table act_procdef_info
add constraint act_fk_info_json_ba
foreign key (info_json_id_)
references act_ge_bytearray (id_);
alter table act_procdef_info
add constraint act_fk_info_procdef
foreign key (proc_def_id_)
references act_re_procdef (id_);
alter table act_procdef_info
add constraint act_uniq_info_procdef
unique (proc_def_id_);