@ -1,71 +1,166 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.dao.HuzhouContractinfoMapper" >
<select id= "getContractProjectPageList" resultType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" parameterType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" >
SELECT * from huzhou_projectinfo u
<where >
and u.id not in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo where status ='1')
FROM huzhou_sub_projectinfo sub
left JOIN ( select cc.project_id,ss.project_id zhuprojectid,cc.task_name,cc.status,ss.stage from huzhou_contractinfo cc INNER JOIN huzhou_sub_projectinfo ss on cc.project_id=ss.id) c ON sub.id = c.project_id
WHERE sub.project_id = u.id and (c.status = '1' or c.status is null) and sub.stage>=5
<if test= "info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''" >
and u.id in(
select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts}
<if test= "info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''" >
and u.id in(
SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in(
SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from
huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
<resultMap id= "HuzhouProjectinfoMap1" type= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.vo.HuzhouProjectinfoOV" >
<result property= "id" column= "id" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectName" column= "project_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "adminDivision" column= "admin_division" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "description" column= "description" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectType" column= "project_type" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "dutyWorkplace" column= "duty_workplace" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "constructionPeriod" column= "construction_period" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "centralMoney" column= "central_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "provincialMoney" column= "provincial_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "cityMoney" column= "city_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "countyMoney" column= "county_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "reformName" column= "reform_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "superLeader" column= "super_leader" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectContacts" column= "project_contacts" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "phone" column= "phone" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "manageOrg" column= "manage_org" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "manageContactor" column= "manage_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "controler" column= "controler" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "controlerContactor" column= "controler_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "supervisor" column= "supervisor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "supervisorContactor" column= "supervisor_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "owner" column= "owner" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "ownerContactor" column= "owner_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "consult" column= "consult" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "consultContactor" column= "consult_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "contructor" column= "contructor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "contructorContactor" column= "contructor_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "stage" column= "stage" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "createDate" column= "create_date" jdbcType= "TIMESTAMP" />
<result property= "createUser" column= "create_user" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "editDate" column= "edit_date" jdbcType= "TIMESTAMP" />
<result property= "editUser" column= "edit_user" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "workplaceProperties" column= "workplace_properties" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "totalMoney" column= "total_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "selfMoney" column= "self_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2023Money" column= "payamount2023_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2024Money" column= "payamount2024_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2025Money" column= "payamount2025_money" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<collection property= "children" ofType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouSubProjectinfo" select= "selectchildrenMapList1" column= "id" />
<resultMap id= "HuzhouProjectinfoMap2" type= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.vo.HuzhouProjectinfoOV" >
<result property= "id" column= "id" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectName" column= "project_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "adminDivision" column= "admin_division" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "description" column= "description" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectType" column= "project_type" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "dutyWorkplace" column= "duty_workplace" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "constructionPeriod" column= "construction_period" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "centralMoney" column= "central_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "provincialMoney" column= "provincial_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "cityMoney" column= "city_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "countyMoney" column= "county_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "reformName" column= "reform_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "superLeader" column= "super_leader" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "projectContacts" column= "project_contacts" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "phone" column= "phone" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "manageOrg" column= "manage_org" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "manageContactor" column= "manage_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "controler" column= "controler" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "controlerContactor" column= "controler_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "supervisor" column= "supervisor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "supervisorContactor" column= "supervisor_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "owner" column= "owner" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "ownerContactor" column= "owner_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "consult" column= "consult" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "consultContactor" column= "consult_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "contructor" column= "contructor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "contructorContactor" column= "contructor_contactor" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "stage" column= "stage" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "createDate" column= "create_date" jdbcType= "TIMESTAMP" />
<result property= "createUser" column= "create_user" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "editDate" column= "edit_date" jdbcType= "TIMESTAMP" />
<result property= "editUser" column= "edit_user" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "workplaceProperties" column= "workplace_properties" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "totalMoney" column= "total_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "selfMoney" column= "self_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2023Money" column= "payamount2023_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2024Money" column= "payamount2024_money" jdbcType= "NUMERIC" />
<result property= "payamount2025Money" column= "payamount2025_money" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<collection property= "children" ofType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouSubProjectinfo" select= "selectchildrenMapList2" column= "id" />
<resultMap id= "childrenMap" type= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouSubProjectinfo" >
<id property= "id" column= "sub_id" />
<result property= "projectName" column= "sub_project_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "adminDivision" column= "sub_admin_division" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "description" column= "sub_description" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "dutyWorkplace" column= "sub_duty_workplace" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "constructionPeriod" column= "sub_construction_period" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "reformName" column= "sub_reform_name" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "superLeader" column= "sub_super_leader" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "stage" column= "sub_stage" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<result property= "workplaceProperties" column= "sub_workplace_properties" jdbcType= "VARCHAR" />
<select id= "getContractProjectPageList" resultMap= "HuzhouProjectinfoMap1" parameterType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" >
SELECT * from huzhou_projectinfo u
<where >
NOT exists (
FROM huzhou_sub_projectinfo sub
left JOIN ( select cc.project_id,ss.project_id zhuprojectid,cc.task_name,cc.status,ss.stage from huzhou_contractinfo cc INNER JOIN huzhou_sub_projectinfo ss on cc.project_id=ss.id) c ON sub.id = c.project_id
WHERE sub.project_id = u.id and (c.status = '1' or c.status is null) and sub.stage>=5
<if test= "info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''" >
and u.id in(
select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts}
<if test= "info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''" >
and u.id in(
SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in(
SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from
huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
e.super_leader in (
SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from
huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
<if test= "info.projectName!=null and info.projectName!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.projectName + '%'" />
and u.project_name like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.adminDivision!=null and info.adminDivision!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.adminDivision + '%'" />
and u.admin_division like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" />
and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.workplaceProperties!=null and info.workplaceProperties!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.workplaceProperties + '%'" />
and u.workplace_properties like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" />
and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.reformName!=null and info.reformName!=''" >
and u.reform_name = #{info.reformName}
<if test= "info.superLeader!=null and info.superLeader!=''" >
and u.super_leader = #{info.superLeader}
<if test= "info.stage!=null and info.stage!=''" >
and u.stage > = #{info.stage}
order by create_date desc
e.super_leader in (
SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from
huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
<if test= "info.projectName!=null and info.projectName!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.projectName + '%'" />
and u.project_name like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.adminDivision!=null and info.adminDivision!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.adminDivision + '%'" />
and u.admin_division like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" />
and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.workplaceProperties!=null and info.workplaceProperties!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.workplaceProperties + '%'" />
and u.workplace_properties like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" />
and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr}
<if test= "info.reformName!=null and info.reformName!=''" >
and u.reform_name = #{info.reformName}
<if test= "info.superLeader!=null and info.superLeader!=''" >
and u.super_leader = #{info.superLeader}
<if test= "info.stage!=null and info.stage!=''" >
and u.stage > = #{info.stage}
<select id= "getContractinfoPageList" resultType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" parameterType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" >
<select id= "getContractinfoPageList" resultMap= "HuzhouProjectinfoMap2" parameterType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" >
SELECT * from huzhou_projectinfo u
<where >
<if test= "info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''" >
@ -76,7 +171,7 @@
<if test= "info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''" >
and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1' and ct.project_id
and u.id
SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in(
SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from
@ -94,12 +189,37 @@
<if test= "(info.supervisorContactor==null or info.supervisorContactor=='' )and( info.projectContacts==null or info.projectContacts=='')" >
and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1')
or (
FROM huzhou_sub_projectinfo sub
JOIN huzhou_contractinfo c ON sub.id = c.project_id
WHERE sub.project_id = u.id and c.status ='1'
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c.project_id) >0)
<if test= "info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''" >
and u.id in (
select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts}
<if test= "info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''" >
and u.id
SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in(
SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from
huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
e.super_leader in (
SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from
huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor})
<if test= "info.projectName!=null and info.projectName!=''" >
<bind name= "tempStr" value= "'%' + info.projectName + '%'" />
and u.project_name like #{tempStr}
@ -130,7 +250,190 @@
<if test= "info.stage!=null and info.stage!=''" >
and u.stage > = #{info.stage}
order by create_date desc
<select id= "selectchildrenMapList1" resultType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouSubProjectinfo" >
select * from huzhou_sub_projectinfo u
<where >
u.project_id = #{id} and
not exists(
SELECT 1 from huzhou_contractinfo c
WHERE c.project_id = u.id and c.status ='1'
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c.project_id) >0)
-- not exists
<select id= "selectchildrenMapList2" resultType= "com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouSubProjectinfo" >
select * from huzhou_sub_projectinfo u
<where >
u.project_id = #{id} and
SELECT 1 from huzhou_contractinfo c
WHERE c.project_id = u.id and c.status ='1'
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c.project_id) >0)
<!-- <select id="getContractProjectPageList1111" resultType="com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" parameterType="com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo"> -->
<!-- SELECT * from huzhou_projectinfo u -->
<!-- <where> -->
<!-- and u.id not in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo where status ='1') -->
<!-- and -->
<!-- <if test="info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in( -->
<!-- select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts} -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- OR -->
<!-- e.super_leader in ( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.projectName!=null and info.projectName!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.projectName + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.project_name like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.adminDivision!=null and info.adminDivision!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.adminDivision + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.admin_division like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.workplaceProperties!=null and info.workplaceProperties!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.workplaceProperties + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.workplace_properties like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.reformName!=null and info.reformName!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.reform_name = #{info.reformName} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.superLeader!=null and info.superLeader!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.super_leader = #{info.superLeader} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.stage!=null and info.stage!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.stage >= #{info.stage} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- </where> -->
<!-- order by create_date desc -->
<!-- </select> -->
<!-- <select id="getContractinfoPageList111" resultType="com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo" parameterType="com.easy.admin.modules.huzhou.entity.HuzhouProjectinfo"> -->
<!-- SELECT * from huzhou_projectinfo u -->
<!-- <where> -->
<!-- <if test="info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1' and ct.project_id in ( -->
<!-- select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts} -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1' and ct.project_id -->
<!-- in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- OR -->
<!-- e.super_leader in ( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="(info.supervisorContactor==null or info.supervisorContactor=='' )and( info.projectContacts==null or info.projectContacts=='')"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1') -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- or ( -->
<!-- EXISTS ( -->
<!-- SELECT 1 -->
<!-- FROM huzhou_sub_projectinfo sub -->
<!-- JOIN huzhou_contractinfo c ON sub.id = c.project_id -->
<!-- WHERE sub.project_id = u.id and c.status ='1' -->
<!-- HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT c.project_id) >0) -->
<!-- <if test="info.projectContacts!=null and info.projectContacts!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1' and ct.project_id in ( -->
<!-- select project_id from huzhou_userproject where user_id=#{info.projectContacts} -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.supervisorContactor!=null and info.supervisorContactor!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1' and ct.project_id -->
<!-- in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT id from huzhou_projectinfo e where e.admin_division in( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT a.admin_division from huzhou_projectinfo a where a.id in (select c.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject c where c.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- OR -->
<!-- e.super_leader in ( -->
<!-- SELECT DISTINCT b.super_leader from huzhou_projectinfo b where b.id in (select d.project_id from -->
<!-- huzhou_userproject d where d.user_id=#{info.supervisorContactor}) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="(info.supervisorContactor==null or info.supervisorContactor=='' )and( info.projectContacts==null or info.projectContacts=='')"> -->
<!-- and u.id in (select distinct project_id from huzhou_contractinfo ct where status ='1') -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- <if test="info.projectName!=null and info.projectName!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.projectName + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.project_name like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.adminDivision!=null and info.adminDivision!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.adminDivision + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.admin_division like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.workplaceProperties!=null and info.workplaceProperties!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.workplaceProperties + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.workplace_properties like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.dutyWorkplace!=null and info.dutyWorkplace!=''"> -->
<!-- <bind name="tempStr" value="'%' + info.dutyWorkplace + '%'" /> -->
<!-- and u.duty_workplace like #{tempStr} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.reformName!=null and info.reformName!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.reform_name = #{info.reformName} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.superLeader!=null and info.superLeader!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.super_leader = #{info.superLeader} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- <if test="info.stage!=null and info.stage!=''"> -->
<!-- and u.stage >= #{info.stage} -->
<!-- </if> -->
<!-- </where> -->
<!-- order by create_date desc -->
<!-- </select> -->