You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
5.9 KiB

import { FormSchema } from '@/components/Form';
import { BasicColumn } from '@/components/Table';
import { getDutyWorkplaceList } from '@/views/informationSub/countStatistics/countStatistics.api';
async function getDutyWorkplaceOptions() {
const dutyWorkplaceOption = await getDutyWorkplaceList();
const uniqueList = [...new Set(dutyWorkplaceOption)];
const res = uniqueList.map((item) => {
return {
label: item,
value: item,
console.log('wwres', res);
return res;
export const huizongcolumns: BasicColumn[] = [
title: '改革所属项目',
dataIndex: 'reformName',
format: 'dict|reformTasks',
resizable: true,
title: '任务牵头处室',
dataIndex: 'superLeader',
format: 'dict|superLeader',
resizable: true,
title: '项目总数',
dataIndex: 'projectNum',
title: '项目申报阶段数量',
dataIndex: 'declareNum',
title: '项目立项阶段(联审)',
dataIndex: 'reviewNum',
title: '项目立项阶段(核验)',
dataIndex: 'verifyNum',
title: '项目立项阶段(立项)',
dataIndex: 'approvalNum',
title: '项目采购阶段数量',
dataIndex: 'purchaseNum',
title: '项目建设阶段数量',
dataIndex: 'buildNum',
title: '项目验收阶段数量',
dataIndex: 'acceptanceNum',
export const liangshaicolumns: BasicColumn[] = [
title: '改革所属项目',
dataIndex: 'reformName',
format: 'dict|reformTasks',
resizable: true,
title: '任务牵头处室',
dataIndex: 'superLeader',
format: 'dict|superLeader',
resizable: true,
title: '项目名称',
dataIndex: 'projectName',
title: '责任单位',
dataIndex: 'dutyWorkplace',
title: '申报阶段',
dataIndex: 'declareStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '立项阶段(联审)',
dataIndex: 'reviewStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '立项阶段(核验)',
dataIndex: 'verifyStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '立项阶段(立项)',
dataIndex: 'approvalStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '采购阶段',
dataIndex: 'purchaseStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '建设阶段',
dataIndex: 'buildStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
title: '验收阶段',
dataIndex: 'acceptanceStage',
format: 'dict|CompletionStatus',
filters: [
{ text: '已完成', value: '已完成' },
{ text: '进行中', value: '进行中' },
{ text: '未完成', value: '未完成' },
export const searchFormSchema: FormSchema[] = [
label: '项目名称',
field: 'projectName',
component: 'Input',
labelWidth: 'auto',
//colProps: { span: 6 },
label: '行政区划',
field: 'adminDivision',
component: 'Select',
labelWidth: 'auto',
componentProps: {
options: [
label: '市本级',
value: '市本级',
label: '吴兴区',
value: '吴兴区',
label: '南浔区',
value: '南浔区',
label: '德清县',
value: '德清县',
label: '长兴县',
value: '长兴县',
label: '安吉县',
value: '安吉县',
//colProps: { span: 6 },
label: '责任单位',
field: 'dutyWorkplace',
//组件 支持组件详见 components/Form/src/types/index.ts 中的 ComponentType
component: 'ApiSelect',
componentProps: () => {
return {
api: () => getDutyWorkplaceOptions(),
labelWidth: 'auto',
label: '单位属性',
field: 'workplaceProperties',
//组件 支持组件详见 components/Form/src/types/index.ts 中的 ComponentType
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
options: [
label: '医疗机构',
value: '医疗机构',
label: '卫生行政部门',
value: '卫生行政部门',
labelWidth: 'auto',
field: 'reformName',
label: '改革所属项目',
component: 'DictSelect',
componentProps: {
dictType: 'reformTasks',
itemProps: { validateTrigger: 'blur' },
labelWidth: 'auto',
field: 'superLeader',
label: '上级指导处室',
component: 'DictSelect',
componentProps: {
dictType: 'superLeader',
labelWidth: 'auto',
// {
// field: 'stage',
// label: '项目状态',
// component: 'DictSelect',
// componentProps: {
// dictType: 'projectStage',
// },
// labelWidth: 'auto'
// },