/* * Activiti Modeler component part of the Activiti project * Copyright 2005-2014 Alfresco Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ 'use strict' var activitiModeler = angular.module('activitiModeler', [ 'ngCookies', 'ngResource', 'ngSanitize', 'ngRoute', 'ngDragDrop', 'mgcrea.ngStrap', 'ngGrid', 'ngAnimate', 'pascalprecht.translate', 'duScroll' ]) var activitiModule = activitiModeler activitiModeler // Initialize routes .config(['$selectProvider', '$translateProvider', function ($selectProvider, $translateProvider) { // Override caret for bs-select directive angular.extend($selectProvider.defaults, { caretHtml: ' ' }) // Initialize angular-translate $translateProvider.useStaticFilesLoader({ prefix: './editor-app/i18n/', suffix: '.json' }) $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('zh-CN') // remember language $translateProvider.useCookieStorage() }]) .run(['$rootScope', '$timeout', '$modal', '$translate', '$location', '$window', '$http', '$q', function ($rootScope, $timeout, $modal, $translate, $location, $window, $http, $q) { $rootScope.config = ACTIVITI.CONFIG $rootScope.editorInitialized = false $rootScope.editorFactory = $q.defer() $rootScope.forceSelectionRefresh = false $rootScope.ignoreChanges = false // by default never ignore changes $rootScope.validationErrors = [] $rootScope.staticIncludeVersion = Date.now() /** * A 'safer' apply that avoids concurrent updates (which $apply allows). */ $rootScope.safeApply = function (fn) { var phase = this.$root.$$phase if (phase == '$apply' || phase == '$digest') { if (fn && (typeof (fn) === 'function')) { fn() } } else { this.$apply(fn) } } /** * Initialize the event bus: couple all Oryx events with a dispatch of the * event of the event bus. This way, it gets much easier to attach custom logic * to any event. */ /* Helper method to fetch model from server (always needed) */ function fetchModel (modelId) { var modelUrl = KISBPM.URL.getModel(modelId) var headers = {} var token = EDITOR.UTIL.getParameterByName('token') token = token && token.replace(/^"|"$/g, '') headers[$rootScope.config.token] = token $http({ method: 'GET', url: modelUrl, headers: headers }) .success(function ({ data }, status, headers, config) { $rootScope.editor = new ORYX.Editor(data) $rootScope.modelData = angular.fromJson(data) $rootScope.editorFactory.resolve() }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { console.log('Error loading model with id ' + modelId + ' ' + data) }) } function initScrollHandling () { var canvasSection = jQuery('#canvasSection') canvasSection.scroll(function () { // Hides the resizer and quick menu items during scrolling var selectedElements = $rootScope.editor.selection var subSelectionElements = $rootScope.editor._subSelection $rootScope.selectedElements = selectedElements $rootScope.subSelectionElements = subSelectionElements if (selectedElements && selectedElements.length > 0) { $rootScope.selectedElementBeforeScrolling = selectedElements[0] } jQuery('.Oryx_button').each(function (i, obj) { $rootScope.orginalOryxButtonStyle = obj.style.display obj.style.display = 'none' }) jQuery('.resizer_southeast').each(function (i, obj) { $rootScope.orginalResizerSEStyle = obj.style.display obj.style.display = 'none' }) jQuery('.resizer_northwest').each(function (i, obj) { $rootScope.orginalResizerNWStyle = obj.style.display obj.style.display = 'none' }) $rootScope.editor.handleEvents({ type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_CANVAS_SCROLL }) }) canvasSection.scrollStopped(function () { // Puts the quick menu items and resizer back when scroll is stopped. $rootScope.editor.setSelection([]) // needed cause it checks for element changes and does nothing if the elements are the same $rootScope.editor.setSelection($rootScope.selectedElements, $rootScope.subSelectionElements) $rootScope.selectedElements = undefined $rootScope.subSelectionElements = undefined function handleDisplayProperty (obj) { if (jQuery(obj).position().top > 0) { obj.style.display = 'block' } else { obj.style.display = 'none' } } jQuery('.Oryx_button').each(function (i, obj) { handleDisplayProperty(obj) }) jQuery('.resizer_southeast').each(function (i, obj) { handleDisplayProperty(obj) }) jQuery('.resizer_northwest').each(function (i, obj) { handleDisplayProperty(obj) }) }) } /** * Initialize the Oryx Editor when the content has been loaded */ $rootScope.$on('$includeContentLoaded', function (event) { if (!$rootScope.editorInitialized) { ORYX._loadPlugins() var modelId = EDITOR.UTIL.getParameterByName('modelId') fetchModel(modelId) $rootScope.window = {} var updateWindowSize = function () { $rootScope.window.width = $window.innerWidth $rootScope.window.height = $window.innerHeight } // Window resize hook angular.element($window).bind('resize', function () { $rootScope.safeApply(updateWindowSize()) }) $rootScope.$watch('window.forceRefresh', function (newValue) { if (newValue) { $timeout(function () { updateWindowSize() $rootScope.window.forceRefresh = false }) } }) updateWindowSize() // Hook in resizing of main panels when window resizes // TODO: perhaps move to a separate JS-file? jQuery(window).resize(function () { // Calculate the offset based on the bottom of the module header var offset = jQuery('#editor-header').offset() var propSectionHeight = jQuery('#propertySection').height() var canvas = jQuery('#canvasSection') if (offset == undefined || offset === null || propSectionHeight === undefined || propSectionHeight === null || canvas === undefined || canvas === null) { return } if ($rootScope.editor) { var selectedElements = $rootScope.editor.selection var subSelectionElements = $rootScope.editor._subSelection $rootScope.selectedElements = selectedElements $rootScope.subSelectionElements = subSelectionElements if (selectedElements && selectedElements.length > 0) { $rootScope.selectedElementBeforeScrolling = selectedElements[0] $rootScope.editor.setSelection([]) // needed cause it checks for element changes and does nothing if the elements are the same $rootScope.editor.setSelection($rootScope.selectedElements, $rootScope.subSelectionElements) $rootScope.selectedElements = undefined $rootScope.subSelectionElements = undefined } } var totalAvailable = jQuery(window).height() - offset.top - 40 - 21 canvas.height(totalAvailable - propSectionHeight) jQuery('#paletteSection').height(totalAvailable) // Update positions of the resize-markers, according to the canvas var actualCanvas = null if (canvas && canvas[0].children[1]) { actualCanvas = canvas[0].children[1] } var canvasTop = canvas.position().top var canvasLeft = canvas.position().left var canvasHeight = canvas[0].clientHeight var canvasWidth = canvas[0].clientWidth var iconCenterOffset = 8 var widthDiff = 0 var actualWidth = 0 if (actualCanvas) { // In some browsers, the SVG-element clientwidth isn't available, so we revert to the parent actualWidth = actualCanvas.clientWidth || actualCanvas.parentNode.clientWidth } if (actualWidth < canvas[0].clientWidth) { widthDiff = actualWidth - canvas[0].clientWidth // In case the canvas is smaller than the actual viewport, the resizers should be moved canvasLeft -= widthDiff / 2 canvasWidth += widthDiff } var iconWidth = 17 var iconOffset = 20 var north = jQuery('#canvas-grow-N') north.css('top', canvasTop + iconOffset + 'px') north.css('left', canvasLeft - 10 + (canvasWidth - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') var south = jQuery('#canvas-grow-S') south.css('top', (canvasTop + canvasHeight - iconOffset - iconCenterOffset) + 'px') south.css('left', canvasLeft - 10 + (canvasWidth - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') var east = jQuery('#canvas-grow-E') east.css('top', canvasTop - 10 + (canvasHeight - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') east.css('left', (canvasLeft + canvasWidth - iconOffset - iconCenterOffset) + 'px') var west = jQuery('#canvas-grow-W') west.css('top', canvasTop - 10 + (canvasHeight - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') west.css('left', canvasLeft + iconOffset + 'px') north = jQuery('#canvas-shrink-N') north.css('top', canvasTop + iconOffset + 'px') north.css('left', canvasLeft + 10 + (canvasWidth - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') south = jQuery('#canvas-shrink-S') south.css('top', (canvasTop + canvasHeight - iconOffset - iconCenterOffset) + 'px') south.css('left', canvasLeft + 10 + (canvasWidth - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') east = jQuery('#canvas-shrink-E') east.css('top', canvasTop + 10 + (canvasHeight - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') east.css('left', (canvasLeft + canvasWidth - iconOffset - iconCenterOffset) + 'px') west = jQuery('#canvas-shrink-W') west.css('top', canvasTop + 10 + (canvasHeight - iconWidth) / 2 + 'px') west.css('left', canvasLeft + iconOffset + 'px') }) jQuery(window).trigger('resize') jQuery.fn.scrollStopped = function (callback) { jQuery(this).scroll(function () { var self = this var $this = jQuery(self) if ($this.data('scrollTimeout')) { clearTimeout($this.data('scrollTimeout')) } $this.data('scrollTimeout', setTimeout(callback, 50, self)) }) } // Always needed, cause the DOM element on which the scroll event listeners are attached are changed for every new model initScrollHandling() $rootScope.editorInitialized = true } }) /** * Initialize the event bus: couple all Oryx events with a dispatch of the * event of the event bus. This way, it gets much easier to attach custom logic * to any event. */ $rootScope.editorFactory.promise.then(function () { KISBPM.eventBus.editor = $rootScope.editor var eventMappings = [ { oryxType: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, kisBpmType: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_SELECTION_CHANGE }, { oryxType: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_DBLCLICK, kisBpmType: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_DOUBLE_CLICK }, { oryxType: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_MOUSEOUT, kisBpmType: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_OUT }, { oryxType: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_MOUSEOVER, kisBpmType: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_OVER } ] eventMappings.forEach(function (eventMapping) { $rootScope.editor.registerOnEvent(eventMapping.oryxType, function (event) { KISBPM.eventBus.dispatch(eventMapping.kisBpmType, event) }) }) $rootScope.editor.registerOnEvent(ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_SHAPEREMOVED, function (event) { var validateButton = document.getElementById(event.shape.resourceId + '-validate-button') if (validateButton) { validateButton.style.display = 'none' } }) // The Oryx canvas is ready (we know since we're in this promise callback) and the // event bus is ready. The editor is now ready for use KISBPM.eventBus.dispatch(KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_EDITOR_READY, { type: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_EDITOR_READY }) }) // Alerts $rootScope.alerts = { queue: [] } $rootScope.showAlert = function (alert) { if (alert.queue.length > 0) { alert.current = alert.queue.shift() // Start timout for message-pruning alert.timeout = $timeout(function () { if (alert.queue.length == 0) { alert.current = undefined alert.timeout = undefined } else { $rootScope.showAlert(alert) } }, (alert.current.type == 'error' ? 5000 : 1000)) } else { $rootScope.alerts.current = undefined } } $rootScope.addAlert = function (message, type) { var newAlert = { message: message, type: type } if (!$rootScope.alerts.timeout) { // Timeout for message queue is not running, start one $rootScope.alerts.queue.push(newAlert) $rootScope.showAlert($rootScope.alerts) } else { $rootScope.alerts.queue.push(newAlert) } } $rootScope.dismissAlert = function () { if (!$rootScope.alerts.timeout) { $rootScope.alerts.current = undefined } else { $timeout.cancel($rootScope.alerts.timeout) $rootScope.alerts.timeout = undefined $rootScope.showAlert($rootScope.alerts) } } $rootScope.addAlertPromise = function (promise, type) { if (promise) { promise.then(function (data) { $rootScope.addAlert(data, type) }) } } } ]) // Moment-JS date-formatting filter .filter('dateformat', function () { return function (date, format) { if (date) { if (format) { return moment(date).format(format) } else { return moment(date).calendar() } } return '' } })