You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
4.8 KiB

import { MenuTypeEnum, MenuModeEnum, TriggerEnum, MixSidebarTriggerEnum } from '@/enums/menuEnum';
import {
} from '@/enums/appEnum';
import { CacheTypeEnum } from '@/enums/cacheEnum';
export type LocaleType = 'zh_CN' | 'en' | 'ru' | 'ja' | 'ko';
export interface MenuSetting {
bgColor: string;
fixed: boolean;
collapsed: boolean;
siderHidden: boolean;
canDrag: boolean;
show: boolean;
hidden: boolean;
split: boolean;
menuWidth: number;
mode: MenuModeEnum;
type: MenuTypeEnum;
theme: ThemeEnum;
topMenuAlign: 'start' | 'center' | 'end';
trigger: TriggerEnum;
accordion: boolean;
closeMixSidebarOnChange: boolean;
collapsedShowTitle: boolean;
mixSideTrigger: MixSidebarTriggerEnum;
mixSideFixed: boolean;
export interface MultiTabsSetting {
cache: boolean;
show: boolean;
showQuick: boolean;
canDrag: boolean;
showRedo: boolean;
showFold: boolean;
autoCollapse: boolean;
export interface HeaderSetting {
bgColor: string;
fixed: boolean;
show: boolean;
theme: ThemeEnum;
// Turn on full screen
showFullScreen: boolean;
// Whether to show the lock screen
useLockPage: boolean;
// Show document button
showDoc: boolean;
// Show message center button
showNotice: boolean;
showSearch: boolean;
showApi: boolean;
export interface LocaleSetting {
showPicker: boolean;
// Current language
locale: LocaleType;
// default language
fallback: LocaleType;
// available Locales
availableLocales: LocaleType[];
export interface TransitionSetting {
// Whether to open the page switching animation
enable: boolean;
// Route basic switching animation
basicTransition: RouterTransitionEnum;
// Whether to open page switching loading
openPageLoading: boolean;
// Whether to open the top progress bar
openNProgress: boolean;
export interface ProjectConfig {
// Storage location of permission related information
permissionCacheType: CacheTypeEnum;
// Whether to show the configuration button
showSettingButton: boolean;
// Whether to show the theme switch button
showDarkModeToggle: boolean;
// Configure where the button is displayed
settingButtonPosition: SettingButtonPositionEnum;
// Permission mode
permissionMode: PermissionModeEnum;
// Session timeout processing
sessionTimeoutProcessing: SessionTimeoutProcessingEnum;
// Website gray mode, open for possible mourning dates
grayMode: boolean;
// Whether to turn on the color weak mode
colorWeak: boolean;
// Theme color
themeColor: string;
// The main interface is displayed in full screen, the menu is not displayed, and the top
fullContent: boolean;
// content width
contentMode: ContentEnum;
// Whether to display the logo
showLogo: boolean;
// Whether to show the global footer
showFooter: boolean;
// menuType: MenuTypeEnum;
headerSetting: HeaderSetting;
// menuSetting
menuSetting: MenuSetting;
// Multi-tab settings
multiTabsSetting: MultiTabsSetting;
// Animation configuration
transitionSetting: TransitionSetting;
// pageLayout whether to enable keep-alive
openKeepAlive: boolean;
// Lock screen time
lockTime: number;
// Show breadcrumbs
showBreadCrumb: boolean;
// Show breadcrumb icon
showBreadCrumbIcon: boolean;
// Use error-handler-plugin
useErrorHandle: boolean;
// Whether to open back to top
useOpenBackTop: boolean;
// Is it possible to embed iframe pages
canEmbedIFramePage: boolean;
// Whether to delete unclosed messages and notify when switching the interface
closeMessageOnSwitch: boolean;
// Whether to cancel the http request that has been sent but not responded when switching the interface.
removeAllHttpPending: boolean;
export interface GlobConfig {
// Site title
title: string;
// Service interface url
apiUrl: string;
// Project abbreviation
shortName: string;
// 全局加密开关(即开启了加解密功能才会生效 不是全部接口加密 需要和后端对应)
enableEncrypt: boolean;
// RSA请求加密公钥
rsaPublicKey: string;
// RSA响应解密私钥
rsaPrivateKey: string;
// 客户端key
clientId: string;
// 是否开启websocket
websocketEnable: boolean;
export interface GlobEnvConfig {
// Site title
// Service interface url
// # 全局加密开关(即开启了加解密功能才会生效 不是全部接口加密 需要和后端对应)
// RSA请求加密公钥
// RSA请求解密私钥
// 客户端ID
// 是否开启websocket 注意从配置文件获取的类型为string