#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # from pycorrector import MacBertCorrector # m = MacBertCorrector("shibing624/macbert4csc-base-chinese") from qwen_agent.agents import Assistant from docx import Document from pprint import pprint import re from paddlenlp import Taskflow import json import time import json_repair print(json_repair.loads('{"name":""aaaa"}')) start_time = time.time() corrector = Taskflow("text_correction") llm_cfg = { #'model': 'qwen1.5-72b-chat', 'model':"qwen2-72b", 'model_server': '', # base_url, also known as api_base # 'api_key': 'sk-ea89cf04431645b185990b8af8c9bb13', } bot = Assistant(llm=llm_cfg, name='Assistant', # description='使用RAG检索并回答,支持文件类型:PDF/Word/PPT/TXT/HTML。' ) # prompt=''' # 是否存在错别字,若存在请指出,不做其他方面的校验,你只能在[存在,不存在,未知]选项中选择答案, # 回答格式[{“placeName”:“原文”,"改正后":"改正的内容","回答":"答案"},{“placeName”:“原文”,"改正后":"改正的内容","回答":"答案"}],不做过多的解释,严格按回答格式作答; # ''' prompt=''' 请回答以上问题,[是,否]选项中选择答案,原文内容,标点符号保持不变,如果有错请给出解析,没有错则不用给解析 回答格式请按照以下json格式[{"placeName":"序号","回答":"答案","jianyi","解析"},{"placeName":"序号","回答":"答案","jianyi","解析"}],不做过多的解释,严格按回答格式作答; ''' def getDocxToTextAll(name): docxPath=name document = Document(docxPath) # 逐段读取docx文档的内容 levelList=[] words=[] addStart = False levelText="" i = 0 for paragraph in document.paragraphs: # 判断该段落的标题级别 # 这里用isTitle()临时代表,具体见下文介绍的方法 text = paragraph.text if text.strip():#非空判断 # print("非空") words.append(text) # 将所有段落文本拼接成一个字符串,并用换行符分隔 print("checkDocumentError",len(words)) text = '\n'.join(words) # 将文本写入txt文件 with open("checkDocumentError.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as txt_file: txt_file.write(text) def getDocumentError(filename): getDocxToTextAll(filename) error_places = [] # # 打开文件 for batch in read_file_in_batches('checkDocumentError.txt'): res=process_batch(batch) if(len(res)>0): error_places.extend(res) pprint(error_places) end_time = time.time() # 计算执行时间 elapsed_time = end_time - start_time print(f"checkDocumentError程序执行时间: {elapsed_time} 秒") return error_places # # 过滤掉填充的None(如果有的话) # chunk = [line for line in chunk if line is not None] # res = m.correct_batch(sentences) # print("DocumentError",res) # lines_with_greeting = [place for place in res if len( place['errors'])>0] # error_places.extend(lines_with_greeting) # pprint(error_places) # if len(lines_with_greeting)>0: # for t in error_places: # keyword= t['source'] # # errorWord=t["errors"] # # 查找包含关键字的段落 # paragraphs = re.findall(r'.*?' + re.escape(keyword) + r'.*?\n', gettext) # t["yuanwen"]=paragraphs[0] # return error_places # else: # return error_places # return lines_with_greeting def read_file_in_batches(file_path, batch_size=5000): """ 分批读取文本文件 :param file_path: 文件路径 :param batch_size: 每批处理的字符数 :return: 生成器,每次返回一批文本 """ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: batch = [] char_count = 0 for line in file: batch.append(line) char_count += len(line) if char_count >= batch_size: yield ''.join(batch) batch = [] char_count = 0 if batch: yield ''.join(batch) def process_batch(batch): """ 处理一批文本 :param batch: 一批文本 """ # 在这里添加你的处理逻辑 # error_places=[] sentences = re.split(r'[。\n]', batch) # 去掉空字符串 sentences = [sentence.strip() for sentence in sentences if sentence.strip()] res = corrector(sentences) lines_with_greeting = [place for place in res if len(place['errors']) > 0] # error_places.extend(lines_with_greeting) # pprint(error_places) words='' err=[] if len(lines_with_greeting) > 0: num=0 wenti=[]#记录问题的数组 keyword_list = []#记录问题 for t in lines_with_greeting: temp_errorWords = [] keyword = t['source'] keyword_list.append(keyword) for item in t["errors"]: for key, value in item['correction'].items(): temp_errorWords.append(key) wenti.append("{}、原文:{}。问题:【{}】这些字是否为当前原文的错别字".format(num,keyword,",".join(temp_errorWords))) num+=1 words ="\n".join(wenti) messages = [{'role': 'user', 'content': [{'text': words+ prompt}]}] runList = [] print(words+ prompt) for rsp in bot.run(messages): runList.append(rsp) data = runList[len(runList) - 1][0]["content"] pprint(data) parsed_data = json_repair.loads(data.replace("\\","").replace('`', '')) err = [ {**place, "placeName": keyword_list[int(place["placeName"])],"jianyi":place["解析"]} for place in parsed_data if place['回答'] == '是' ] pprint(err) # err = [place["placeName"]=keyword_list[int(place["placeName"])] for place in parsed_data if place['回答'] == '是'] # if len(err) > 0: # # for t in error_places: # # keyword = t['placeName'] # # # 查找包含关键字的段落 # # paragraphs = re.findall(r'.*?' + re.escape(keyword) + r'.*?\n', gettext) # # t["yuanwen"] = paragraphs[0] # return err # else: return err # from flask import Flask, request, jsonify # import os # # from checkPlaceName import checkPlaceName # # from checkRepeatText import checkRepeatText # # from checkCompanyName import checkCompanyName # # from documentError import getDocumentError # app = Flask(__name__) # UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads' # if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): # os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER) # @app.route('/upload', methods=['POST']) # def upload_file(): # if 'file' not in request.files: # return jsonify({"error": "No file part"}), 400 # file = request.files['file'] # if file.filename == '': # return jsonify({"error": "No selected file"}), 400 # if file: # filename = file.filename # file.save(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER,filename)) # return jsonify({"message": "File uploaded successfully"}), 200 # # @app.route('/checkPlaceName/', methods=['GET']) # # def checkPlaceNameWeb(filename): # # return checkPlaceName(filename) # # @app.route('/checkRepeatText/', methods=['GET']) # # def checkRepeatTextWeb(filename): # # return checkRepeatText(filename) # # @app.route('/checkCompanyName/', methods=['GET']) # # def checkCompanyNameWeb(filename): # # return checkCompanyName(filename) # # @app.route('/checkDocumentErrorWeb/', methods=['GET']) # # def checkDocumentErrorWeb(filename): # # return getDocumentError(filename) # if __name__ == '__main__': # app.run(host='',port=80) # from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, GenerationConfig,AutoModelForCausalLM # import os # os.environ['NPU_VISIBLE_DEVICES']='0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' # os.environ['ASCEND_RT_VISIBLE_DEVICES']='0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' # import torch # import torch_npu # from torch_npu.contrib import transfer_to_npu # from accelerate import Accelerator # # device = 'cpu' # accelerator = Accelerator() # # torch_device = "npu" # 0~7 # # torch.npu.set_device(torch.device(torch_device)) # devices = [] # for i in range(8): # devices.append(f"npu:{i}") # print(devices) # torch.npu.set_device(devices) # torch.npu.set_compile_mode(jit_compile=False) # model_name_or_path = '/mnt/sdc/qwen/Qwen2-72B-Instruct' # tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=False) # # model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto",torch_dtype=torch.float16) # model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True, device_map=accelerator,torch_dtype=torch.float16).npu().eval()