You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
145 lines
4.5 KiB
145 lines
4.5 KiB
<!-- 自定义表单 -->
<el-divider content-position="left">项目入库详情</el-divider>
<BasicForm @register="registerProjectForm" />
<div v-if="projectstage >= 3">
<el-divider content-position="left">项目资料详情</el-divider>
<BasicTable @register="registerResourceTable">
<template #action="{ record }">
<TableAction :actions="getTableAction(record)" />
<el-divider content-position="left">审批详情</el-divider>
<BasicTable @register="registerApproveStartTable" />
<script lang="ts" name="Detailpage" setup>
import { ref, defineProps, onMounted,onUpdated } from 'vue'
import { useForm, BasicForm } from '/@/components/Form';
import { formSchemas, approveStartProcessColumns, resourcetableColumns } from './';
import { queryProjectInfoById, queryProcessInfo, uploacFilePageList } from './projectInfo.api'
import { ActionItem, BasicTable, TableAction } from '/@/components/Table';
import { useListPage } from '/@/hooks/system/useListPage';
import { downloadFile } from "../../../api/common/api"
import { getUserInfoByid } from '../initiatesProjects/initiatesProjects.api'
let dataTo = defineProps(["projectid"])
let projectstage = ref()
let proform =ref()
onMounted(async () => {
console.log("projectid", dataTo.projectid)
let param: any = {
projectid: dataTo.projectid
let resProject = await queryProjectInfoById(param)
proform =resProject
projectstage.value = resProject.stage
console.log("projectid", dataTo.projectid, projectstage.value)
for (let key in proform) {
if (key.indexOf("Contactor") != -1&&proform[key]!=null) {
let userid = proform[key]
let res = await getUserInfoByid({ id: userid })
console.log("Contactor",key, res)
field: key,
componentProps: {
options: [{
value: userid,
label: res.realname
function getTableAction(record): ActionItem[] {
return [
label: '下载',
ifShow: true,
onClick: handleDetailpage.bind(null, record),
* BasicForm绑定注册;
* useForm 是整个框架的核心用于表单渲染,里边封装了很多公共方法;
* 支持(schemas: 渲染表单列,autoSubmitOnEnter:回车提交,submitButtonOptions:自定义按钮文本和图标等方法);
* 平台通过此封装,简化了代码,支持自定义扩展;
const [registerProjectForm, { setFieldsValue,getFieldsValue: getFieldsValueProjectForm, setProps, updateSchema: updateProjectSchema }] = useForm({
schemas: formSchemas,
showActionButtonGroup: false,
// autoSubmitOnEnter: true,
// //不显示重置按钮
// showResetButton: false,
// submitButtonOptions: { text: '提交', preIcon: '' },
//查询列占比 24代表一行 取值范围 0-24
// actionColOptions: { span: 17 },
labelCol: { style: { width: '120px' } },
wrapperCol: { style: { width: 'auto' } },
disabled: true
const { tableContext: approveStarttableContext } = useListPage({
tableProps: {
size: 'small',//紧凑型表格
title: '审批详情',
api: queryProcessInfo,
columns: approveStartProcessColumns,
showActionColumn: false,
useSearchForm: false,
beforeFetch(params) {
params.stage = projectstage.value>=3?"2":"1",
params.projectid = dataTo.projectid
// BasicTable绑定注册
const [registerApproveStartTable] = approveStarttableContext;
const { tableContext } = useListPage({
tableProps: {
size: 'small',//紧凑型表格
title: '项目入库资料详情',
api: uploacFilePageList,
columns: resourcetableColumns,
useSearchForm: false,
actionColumn: {
width: 120,
fixed: "right",
beforeFetch(params) {
params.stage = "1",
params.projectid = dataTo.projectid
const [registerResourceTable] = tableContext;
function handleDetailpage(record) {
console.log("我这一行的数据是", record)
let param = {
path: record.documentPath,
fileName: record.documentName
console.log("我这一行的数据是", param)
downloadFile("/huzhouUploadfileinfo/downloadfile", record.documentName, param)